Objectives of the TaCIM PhD Course

The TaCIM PhD Course aims at shaping top-level, next-generation researchers in internal and specialty medicine through the following objectives:
1) provide theorical and practical knowledge of the main methodologies of pre-clinical research 
2) provide theorical and practical knowledge of the main methodologies of clinical research 
3) provide knowledge about pre-clinical and clinical research funding possibilities and regulation
4) provide the skills to perform independent research in internal and specialty medicine 
5) provide the skills to effectively present a research project
6) provide general knowledge in internal and specialty medicine to allow putting a research project in context.

Multidisciplinarity and transversality are key elements of this vision and are rooted in the Department of Internal and Specialty Medicine of the University of Genova, where experts in all fields of internal medicine work together and share ideas and initiatives.

Last update 25 November 2024